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Freeware by Michael Best

All binaries included here are free. That means that there are no restrictions on their use, reuse, repackaging, distribution, disassembly, etc. I hope that you will find them useful and let me know of any problems you find or any features you would like added. I am available by email (see the link at the bottom of this page) for any questions or comments.

  • Fonts
      Here you'll find forty-six Sanskrit TrueType fonts: two Devanagari and the rest English with diacritics. Also there are a number of utilities for Windows and DOS to make your Sanskrit use easier. (For even more Sanskrit fonts and utilities, visit Ksyberspace.)

  • Miscellaneous
      Here is anything that doesn't fit into the above categories.

Text and Layout Copyright © 1998-2004 by Michael Best (Murari Dasa)